“I haven’t washed my hair in a week.” Ugh. Let’s all just roll our eyes and snarl as we say it together– I HATE GIRLS THAT CAN DO THAT. Erin is one of them… lol And I’ve always been so jealous. I grew up washing my hair every single day and it’s what my hair is used to. If I don’t wash it, it gets greasy-looking or just doesn’t style as pretty. “Use dry shampoo,” they say. “Well, I’ve tried,” I reply. My hair still just seems to feel dirty. My hair isn’t even thin or poker straight. My hair texture is thick and it’s got a pretty good wave to it (why I always find it easiest to curl instead of straighten).
Recently, in California, visiting my best friend Ally, I tried her Kristin Ess Dry Shampoo from Target. She said it made her blondes feel brighter when she sprayed it on her root area. Whoah. It actually did and even more surprisingly, I actually liked it. It didn’t feel as “chalky” or “dirty” as some of the dry shampoos I had tried in the past. When I returned home, I picked up a bottle from Target (as if I’m not there all the time anyway). It’s a little pricier than your average dry shampoo at $14, but worth it for me? Affirmative.
Since I’ve been home for the summer, I decided now was the time to try. I usually rock a pony tail or messy bun while I’m home anyway. I started out washing my hair every other day, but now, have gone as long as two days without washing my hair. I know, not super long for some of you professional “no-pooers” (I love this phrase and I’m going to keep using it because it makes me LOL). Still jealous of those girls that can go a week. I spray a little Kristin Ess dry shampoo at the root and rub in and my hair looks like it was just washed. It did take some getting used to, but I have found that my hair grew almost 3 inches this summer! It seems healthier with less broken pieces and fly-aways. The above photo was taken after Erin did my hair on July 12th. I think my hair is even longer and healthier now, one month later. The reason for this is that your own natural oils promote a healthy scalp, which in turn, makes your hair grow. When you wash your hair, you remove most of these oils. You’d think my best friend was a hair stylist or something.. haha! Erin actually was a teacher of cosmetology for a while and during that time, she taught me so much about hair; she still does!
It’s been such a time-saver and is truly healing my hair. Having highlights (essentially bleach for the hair) and not color, blondes can become dried out and breakage can be a real issue. Instead of depositing pigment into the hair (what happens when you color your hair), you’re taking it out when you get highlights. My hair is naturally blonde (dark blonde now that I’m older), so I like to get highlights throughout to brighten me up a little, which unfortunately, is hard on the hair.
When I do wash my hair, I use a deep conditioner after every wash. At the end of the school year, I discovered an amazing product thanks to my best friend, Kelly! The best part is that it’s way less expensive than any of the other products I’ve used in the past and I’ve found the quality is far better. It’s part of the GVP (Generic Value Product) line at Sally’s that I buy my favorite purple shampoo from (excellent for toning to achieve that sought after beige/ash blonde color)! On the packaging, it’s said that the GVP Deep Conditioning Mask is comparable to the It’s-a-10 Miracle Hair Mask. Personally, I think it’s better.. by a long shot. Not to mention, twenty dollars cheaper. And the GVP brand is usually on sale! I like to grab it up when it’s “buy 2 get one free” and use a 20% off coupon. FYI, that’s 3 full-size jars of deep conditioner for around $18. Score.

This photo was taken August 12, 2017 at my cousin Gregory’s birthday party. My little Charlie girl is featured in this one. :p
Everyone’s hair is different. We all get in a groove of what works for us, but I have found these two products have changed my hair for the better. Have a product like that? Tell us about it in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you. <3
Let’s be honest, some of you only read this blog post to figure out what the heck going “no-poo” meant. Uh-huh, I see you… lol But hey, thanks for reading! :p
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