When something terribly tragic happens, like the shooting at Parkland, it can be scary for students and teachers alike to return to the millions of schools across the nation that following morning. It makes you cry. Your heart simply breaks. It makes you wonder. It makes you think. You walk in your empty classroom, jiggling the door handle just one more time to be sure you left it locked. You observe the hallways and entry doors a little more closely, suddenly understanding more clearly why every door must always be locked. It could happen anywhere; honestly, it could. That shooting at Parkland could have easily been one of our own schools. A local school district here recently thwarted what could have been a mass shooting– and thank God for that.
Our school districts are doing everything they can, looking at all possible solutions, and putting our kids’ safety first. We know the truth is that a sign that says “Gun Free Zone” isn’t going to stop a shooter, especially when most of the time the shooter is a student or former student. The truth is that a “no gun” law isn’t going to stop a shooter either. Taking rights away from those who peacefully use weapons isn’t going to stop an evil person from obtaining one. I’m just being real. There are laws in place that make drugs illegal. Name three people you know who have used or are using illegal drugs. I bet that didn’t take you longer than twenty seconds. Why would guns be any different?
Should it be more difficult to obtain a weapon? Should there be stricter policies in place for who can purchase these weapons? Absolutely. 100% yes. But the solution is not to try to take them all away. I honestly can’t believe that there are people who think that this is a feasible solution. It’s laughable to any educated person. Do you really think the shooter at Parkland would’ve just handed over his guns?! What will stop people from obtaining them illegally just as they do with drugs? This solution is not a solution at all. The solution starts with discipline. It starts with parents and it starts with our schools.
Take a second to let that sink in. Over the last 30 years, discipline and accountability have rapidly decreased. Did you know that today, it’s virtually impossible to discipline a child for wrongdoing as a teacher without receiving an angry phone call with a parent on the other end belittling you and cursing at you? What is wrong with this picture?! Trust me when I say that the lack of discipline is a real thing. There is no respect for authority. There is no respect for others. As teachers, we must teach proper behavior, responsibility, and respect because unfortunately, students are not always learning these values at home. That’s right. In addition to teaching math, English, science, social studies, whatever your content area, we must be examples and we must work these values into our daily lessons. Administrators, you must have your teachers’ backs. You have to support them and you can’t back down to angry parents. You must follow through with disciplining students for their inappropriate actions. Parents, you have to hold your children accountable! You cannot believe that they can do no wrong. There is no fear of consequence. Most students expect their mother or father to call and get the consequences removed. How can we teach these core values if you won’t allow us to?! You can disagree with my point of view, but you can’t disagree with the above statements. I live it. Every single day. We must show the children we encounter daily how productive members of society should behave. It is our responsibility, all of us.
The other day, I had an article forwarded to me that actually claimed that “teachers teaching to prepare for state testing” was the “cause of all of this. Opt your kids out!” Are you KIDDING ME right now? The push from parents to remove every single responsibility and challenge from your child’s life could very well be a contributing factor. Doing our jobs and educating our students to prepare them for the future certainly is not. This is the kind of mentality I’m talking about. You are creating a generation of entitled, disrespectful, lazy humans who don’t know the importance of hard work. They don’t know what it is to earn something or work really hard to accomplish a goal because you aren’t giving them the chance. You’re stripping them of the ability to make decisions and apply knowledge because you want school to be full of “relationship-building activities” and “games.” I didn’t sign up to be a baby-sitter or a game facilitator. I earned a degree in mathematics because I wanted to be able to teach the difficult stuff, make students not only learn, but like the stuff that nobody seems to like, that some adults even claim they “never could do.” I signed up to make the world a better place and no, I haven’t lost my drive.
And finally, if you don’t want my thoughts and prayers (as #ThoughtsAndPrayers trends on social media), keep that to yourself too. My God is far bigger than any law or gun. My God hears my prayers and he hears the cries of those who are deeply suffering. Evil people will ALWAYS find ways to do evil things. Those people don’t regard laws as it is. “Thoughts and prayers” might seem silly to non-believers, but maybe more Jesus, more prayer, and more love & compassion is exactly what this country needs. You keep your ignorance and I’ll keep praying.
I’ll keep teaching– values AND MATH. I’ll keep disciplining. I’ll keep holding children accountable. I’ll keep praying.
Hey, maybe we all should give it a try.
Praise God for your stand for what is right! I pray that God gives you the strength to keep firm in your resolve. You are a blessing to the public education system. Thank you for speaking up for truth.