We’ve all learned about it. American History, 11th grade for us, but even before then… when we were both just bright-eyed little girls at Marshall Elementary School, probably around the time we became best friends in 5th grade. If we could all just go back for a second to that open mind we all had back then while we tell you a story that began roughly 3 centuries ago. If you’re one of our readers from a country outside of the United States, today is the day we celebrate our country’s birth.
A long time ago, there was a group of New Englanders who had been fighting Britian since April of 1775. They realized it was time to declare independence on June 4, 1776 and a motion was made. It wasn’t until July 2, 1776 that Congress voted unanimously (albeit secretly) for independence from Great Britian. They finished up the text in the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, when 12 of the colonies voted in favor of its adoption and sent a copy signed only by John Hancock (President of Congress) to the printers. It wasn’t celebrated until July 8th and was not signed by all members of Congress until August 2nd, but July 4th is when we, the United States of America, gained our independence! It’s when the vote took place to officially become our own independent, free country, the USA’s birthday, if you will. Our new country did not celebrate independence until around 1870, when July 4th was first recognized by Congress as a holiday.
It wasn’t easy for our forefathers. And over the last 243 years, countless men and women have fought for justice at a great cost– and it wasn’t easy for them either. They’ve protected our freedom and continue to do so, keeping the United States of America the best country in the world. We are so thankful to be citizens of this country and want to extend our sincerest thank you to those brave citizens who have fought to make this country the Land of the Free.
Because of them we are the land of endless opportunity, where if you work hard and apply yourself, you can achieve your dreams and accomplish your goals. We are the land of choice, where we have the freedom to elect our leaders. We have the freedom to choose if we want to attend post-secondary education, what we want to major in, what profession we want to have, how many children we want to raise, and where we want to live. We are free to speak and write about what we think and feel without fear of our government. We can have a sense of protection and feel safe here due to our country’s strong military presence around the world and at our borders. We are the country that many others want to be like. We are the country that many people want to be a part of! We are a country founded by a diverse group of people that still welcomes others to citizenship with open arms as long as it is done legally, as the safety of our own tax-paying and law-abiding citizens is of utmost importance.
We are SO very lucky to live in a country founded as One Nation Under God that puts its citizens’ safety and well-being first, but still does its best to help those in need here in the USA and around the world. We certainly are PROUD to be Americans and want to wish this country, our home, the happiest of birthdays.
HAPPY 243rd BIRTHDAY, USA!!! What are you doing today to celebrate?!
Ash & Er
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