I humor myself with the fact that one of the songs I always blast in my car is Francesca Battistelli’s “Keeping Me Guessing”. For years, that song was my anthem that got me through some pretty rough days. Little did I know that I would literally be living out these exact lyrics and be completely surprised by God’s plan for my life.
The lyrics read “I don’t know how the story ends, but I’ll be alright ’cause you wrote it. I don’t know where the highway bends, but I’m doing just fine. ‘Cause You’re in control, even when I don’t know where my life’s gonna go. You’re keeping me guessing.”

You may have noticed that the past few weeks I have been a bit MIA. Ashley has been patiently holding down the fort as I navigate my newest endeavor: a mom of 2. You read that right– TWO (and under 15 months apart *gasp*). I am officially in a constant state of exhaustion, have even darker circles under my eyes, and I have learned to stretch my hair washes farther than ever before; but I am the happiest I have ever been in my entire life– and thats because of my Savior.

This was the farthest thing from our minds. In fact, I had said just a week before we received the phone call that we were intending on taking a break from foster care until fall so we could enjoy the summer without social worker visits, detailed paperwork of every little move, and court dates/Zoom calls (nothing against my caseworkers though because they are awesome). We were ready to have “Blessing” adopted and settle into our new life. Then, the phone rang.
My hands in dishwater, I answered the call that would unknowingly change our entire life. I ended the call with, “May I call my husband to discuss this please?”
Once I had Timmy on the phone, we knew within the first minute of me dropping the news what we were going to do, but for good measure, we hashed it out for about 5 minutes and then, I made the call.
“Yes, we would love to have him.”
“Little Man,” as we will be referring to him publicly, has one heck of a unique story, one that I intend on sharing eventually, because just like “Blessing”, his story is one that “just doesn’t happen.”

I have been getting messages and phone calls asking the same questions, so I will vaguely answer them now. I promise, just like Blessing’s story, I will share more details later.
Yes, our plan is to adopt him if that is God’s will. We are waiting out the proper time being this is a particularly unique case, but we trust in the Lord’s plan for us. According to his attorney, this will go faster than Blessing’s adoption did, so if things continue as they are, we will more than likely attend 2 adoption ceremonies this spring/summer.
Blessing and Stella are doing great. Blessing was a little jealous at first, but now gives him endless kisses and pats on the head. Haha! Stella has taken to him in a mothering way; she acts more like a companion to Blessing but is so nurturing toward Little Man.
Yes, he does have some issues that were brought on while in the womb. Prayers are greatly appreciated and even more so, late at night.

We are over the moon in love and we cannot wait to see what all God has in store for our family of 4 (+ Stella, of course). We are just a ceremony away from Blessing being officially adopted and we are so excited to introduce her to everyone. In the meantime, we will continue to thank the Lord for His love, grace, and mercy.
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