This blog post is going to be a little out of the ordinary. When Ashley and I first started this blog 5 years ago we wrote about ourselves in our Bio; we touched on the basic things but I am going to share with you things about Ashley that she would probably never tell you, things I think you would want to know.

Ashley is a math teacher for Laurel Highlands and let me just say that if you are a current student of hers (or a parent of a student) you are blessed to have her. You may be thinking that you already know and appreciate her, but I want you to know in depth why she’s so great at her job.
I have stayed up as long as I could on countless nights trying to keep her company as she graded tests, put together fun activities (like her famous escape room challenge), and hand- designed her google classroom so that it looked warm and inviting despite not being in person. She usually ends up being up way later than I can handle and does this night after night. We have been out to dinner when a concerned parent/student has e-mailed and I have watched as she takes the time to care about each and every concern. She won’t let anyone slide when it comes to accountability though, she doesn’t want any of her students falling through the cracks. I have watched her be tough out of love and I commend her for that. She is thorough in her teaching and I have sat down at her kitchen counter and have seen the hand written notes, handouts, and tests that she creates (that takes literal hours, btw). She has even given me a lesson or two when it comes to Algebra 2 (something I struggled with in high school)!

Burgh Blondes is a business she and our best friend Lisa started a few years ago. It has been so fun watching them create and sell some amazing Pittsburgh designs. Ashley and Lisa put a lot of time, creativity, and effort into each shirt they sell. Really cute sports apparel used to be hard to come by – but not anymore! These girls have amazing talent and it has been a pleasure watching their business grow! It started out as a small business where Ashley could do handwritten chalkboard signs and Lisa could show off her graphic designs, both talents came together to create one heck of an apparel store!

You should totally see Ashley in her natural habitat – a car saleswoman. Ashley has always loved the car business, it’s in her blood. So when most teachers are off and hanging by the pool all summer (which she still makes *some* time to do) she is up at Thurby’s Riverside Ford selling cars! She actually sold me my 2020 Ford Escape and I love it! She is passionate about everything Ford and is so knowledgable. And of course you can’t forget about Charlie, the official mascot!

Speaking of Charlie, my little fur niece is so lucky to have a momma like Ash! She is easy one of the most spoiled dogs I know. Sometimes I forget that she is canine (I really think she believes she is human). Ashley lives for “Charlita-mommacita”! We took a roadtrip on random Thursday afternoon to go and get Charlie and it is easily one of our favorite memories!

Wife, daughter, sister, niece, cousin, and friend. Ashley pours out so much love to all of those who are close to her. She is the best gift giver and always everyone’s biggest supporter. She cheered on her husband (and the players) as he coached the LH Mustang football team (who made history this past season, btw!), she promotes and helps her dad at his dealership, she is always there for her mom and her sister and is always saying “I got this for my mom” or “I need to do this for Kait!” She is super supportive of her cousins Bri and Gregory, too; I have even had the pleasure of going to Bri’s dance recitals to cheer her on! Ashley is always decked out in family fan gear and always has her camera at every single event! As far as friendship goes, she’s one of a kind! Always remembering everyone’s birthdays and going the extra mile. She attends as many events as she can squeeze into her schedule (can you believe she even supports LH alumni when they go to play football, cheer, dance, etc. in college!)

Ashley is also active in her church. She and a group of friends are always doing things like putting together shoe boxes at Christmas for Operation Christmas Child, participating on the church league softball team, and being a part of every event that she can help with. I am a firm believer that you and your friends should be equally yolked and I am thankful that my best friend was raised with the same Christian values I was.

She has style just like her Nanny Thurby. Nanny was always dressed to impress and so is Ashley. She always wants to put her best foot forward. She and I have both grown in our style since we started this blog 5 years ago, it’s fun to look back and see how far we have come.

On top of those many things she is also a huge Pittsburgh Steelers fan (she is wearing a Burgh Blondes original in this pic!), an unofficial nail technician, a Rascal Flatts fan girl, and a passionate blogger and traveler. My head is spinning as I come up with more and more things!

The last thing I am going to say is that anyone who knows her loves her and I truly believe that it is because she is a giving, loving, kind-hearted, God-fearing, woman. I have witnessed my best friend give to those less fortunate and not mutter a single word. She has surprised single mothers with small gifts just because she felt the Lord tug at her heart. She gives cards on birthdays and sends small gifts when you lose a loved one. She sends encouraging messages when you need them most and is always there to give of herself when she is needed.
For years she sat up with me late at night as I cried/prayed for my babies and you better believe she attended both adoption hearings with her camera in tow. She is now the best Auntie to my children (that includes Stella).
I am proud to call her my best friend.
This single blog post simply couldn’t encapsulate the amazing woman you are. I am so thankful that the Lord put us in Mrs. Amber’s 5th grade class together. I hope you have the happiest birthday, Ash. I love you!

What a wonderful tribute to your bestie!! Happy Birthday Ashley!!