I’m a little late posting this. Erin’s birthday was on the first of the month, but with getting ready to head back to school and the plans we had on Erin’s birthday, I never got a chance to really sit down and finish it how I wanted to; so yes, it’s late, but I wanted it to be perfect. I did, however, have photos and videos ready to post for the big day right at midnight! lol. Better late than never, so here it is…
Happy 32nd birthday, Er! I knew we’d be taking lots of beautiful photos today, so I wanted to make sure we had them for this post. I am so happy we got to celebrate the wonderful person you are on your actual birthday– and with the most beautiful backdrop!♡

There is something so special about a friend who really loves you. I am fortunate to have quite a few of them and Erin is most definitely one of them. I’ve never had to question if she will be there for me or have my back or if she really cares; I just know. She shows her love in all the little things she does and how she checks in every day. To say her friendship is a blessing would be an understatement.

If I’m being honest, I was worried about Erin having kids. She has always been the one who wanted to be a mom, while I have always been ok with waiting or maybe even not being a mom at all. Because of how badly she wanted kids, I prayed she would get them, one way or another. I prayed with her and for her that she would get to be somebody’s mama one day because I knew it was the one thing her heart longed so badly for, but still… despite me wanting her to be happy, I worried. I worried our blog would end, our travels would end, our friendship might not be the same. I’d seen some of my other friends slowly stop hanging out with friends or making an effort to connect for various reasons and I was terrified that my best friend in the world would well, stop being my best friend in the world.

But just like the seasons change around us and everything still somehow stays the same, the seasons of life have affected us just the same. With every major life change we have gone through together, Erin becoming a mama included, we have remained the same. I know it has to take more effort on her part now to still talk to me every day, make plans, and still not miss a single event or birthday celebration… but she does it. I know when I text her because I’m anxious about going back to school or some other worry, she’s going to text back or call me and give me her undivided attention (as much as possible anyway). Ava and Malachi have easily just become part of our lives now. They don’t make it harder; they make it better and I’m happy I get to be a part of their lives too.

We’ve made it through the elementary years, middle school years, high school years, college years, weddings, interviews, new jobs, heartbreak, losing people we love, and now, gaining new ones to love. It’s not every day you find a friend for all seasons; some might only stay for a few. When you find one that makes an effort, it just comes naturally to give your best effort too. Despite how busy life gets, if Erin needs me, I’m going to be there, the same way she is for me. Just like marriages, friendships aren’t always easy; they require time, effort, love, understanding, and patience. I am so grateful for Erin, a friend for all seasons, and 100% a friendship planned by God. ♡
Happy birth[month], Erin!! Thank you for investing so much of your time and love into our friendship!! I love you so much and am so happy to have been a part of all of your seasons!!
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