Recently, I had my first ever facial. I know, right– what’s taken me so long?! My husband told me to get the spa service of my choice for an anniversary gift and I decided why not try a facial?! Kat, my aestitician at Opal Spa in Clearwater gave me the best Brighten & Refresh facial, focusing on extraction and brightening. I decided to add on an additional service: Contour & Sculpt. I did some research and saw that the Opal Spas use NuFACE microcurrent devices. I had been reading about the NuFACE devices prior to the NSale because I saw the Trinity+ was going on sale for over a $100 discount. I read so many reviews boasting about the dramatic results of using NuFACE microcurrent devices and I wanted to see what all the hype was about firsthand before making the investment myself.
Kat made it super easy for me to see the results by doing half of my face at a time to let me see the results halfway through the treatment with a handheld mirror. The left side of my face (the side she worked on first) reflected a contoured cheek bone with “cheek dents”, a defined jaw line, and lifted brows displayed upon a smooth forehead. My jaw dropped. “Right?! Told you..,” Kat said with a smile. She proceeded to do the other side of my face as she told me how she bought a NuFACE device for herself after experiencing the results first hand every day at the spa. I asked her if she truly thought it was worth it. She showed me her beautiful skin and said, “I use mine daily while sitting on the couch watching TV with my husband each evening. If you commit to using it every day for a month and then a few times a week after that, your skin will be like mine!” Kat then told me she was in her sixties! I couldn’t believe it because she looked to be in her forties; her skin was smooth and gorgeous and her contoured face glowed. I added the NuFACE Trinity+ to my NSale wish list promptly after my facial was over.

Above is an example of what you might experience if you book a Contour & Sculpt treatment at a professional spa that offers microcurrent. The video posted from the NuFACE Instagram page is similar to what my add-on to my facial was like. Not only was it relaxing, but it yielded great results in just one 30-minute add-on treatment.
Microcurrent treatment at spas are going to be anywhere from $40-$150, depending on length of service. This made me realize that investing in your own device would definitely be worth it in the long run, especially if it really does all the things it’s said to do.

While I waited for my order to arrive, I enjoyed reading more about the science behind microcurrent– why and how it works. If you’re nerd-level interested in quality skincare like me, let’s start where I began this journey– with the basics. (And if you’re not really interested in all the science-y details of how it works, you may want to go ahead and skim through/skip over the next few paragraphs). The following information is from mynuface.com:
“Microcurrent is a low-level current that mimics the body’s natural ionic flow and has been clinically tested to safely and effectively address a variety of skin concerns. Because microcurrent works virtually without sensation, the treatment is soothing and most clients feel nothing at all. Microcurrent treatments are popular in the beauty industry for providing both instant and cumulative results.”

I also learned that microcurrent has been used in the medical field since the 1970s! If you’re familiar with the TENS unit, then you basically already know what microcurrent is. If you don’t know what a TENS unit is, it is an acronym for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and was approved by the FDA as a treatment for pain relief, wound healing, and the treatment of Bell’s Palsy. So, you might be wondering what I was:
1. Are they safe to use?
2. How will it help my skin?
“All microcurrent stimulators and TENS devices require a 501(K) Certification Class II Device, otherwise they cannot be sold in the US. This certification assures the device is manufactured to the highest standards. With the discovery of microcurrent therapy treatments and their low level current retraining of the patient’s muscles, the FDA cleared muscle stimulators to provide a new anti-aging application for the cosmetology industry.” (mynuface.com)
*It should be noted that not all microcurrent devices on the market are FDA-approved. NuFACE is a high-quality FDA-approved microcurrent device used in professional salons. I’ve seen horrifying TikToks and Reels of people using knock off, cheap microcurrent devices and their face muscles are twitching and reacting unnaturally. Do NOT use a device that does this. It is too strong and NOT the way it’s supposed to work.
Microcurrent works through gentle facial stimualtion. Soft, gentle waves are sent through the skin’s barrier and down to the facial muscles. I use my device on the highest level with boost and it would sting a little, but definitely NEVER causes my muscles to actually twitch or contract. Because a microcurrent sensation can be felt is why it should be used with a microcurrent activator. This is applied to the face to hydrate so that device glides smoothly and ensures you feel nothing but a relaxing facial.
“The gentle wave of energy is nearly identical to your body’s natural ionic flow and has been shown to increase ATP (body’s cellular energy) concentration by up to 400% while simultaneously stimulating protein synthesis and promoting amino acid transport. As we age, our skin’s natural ability to manufacture these protein fibers reduces, giving way to multiple signs of aging. ATP’s increased production of proteins and amino acids during facial stimulation helps energize and tone facial muscles over time– just like how exercise energizes and strengthens muscles in the body. Unlike anywhere else in the body, the facial muscles are directly connected to the skin, so the result of energizing the facial muscle is often improved, providing a smooth and lifted appearance.” (mynuface.com)
So, that’s the science behind how and why it works. I love it!

My Trinity+ arrived and I was so excited to use it. The newest devices sync to your phone via Bluetooth, which allows you to complete interactive facial treatments. Your phone walks you through each step of the treatments. I used this a lot at first as I learned how to complete the treatments properly, but now I am able to do it without the step-by-step guidance. The app is nice to use for updated before & afters for your NuFACE journey. See the video below for how the NuFACE devices work with your phone.

Now that I have the routine down for each type of facial, I can use it without the app, while watching a movie or show with my husband and relaxing on the couch. It it very quiet, so it’s definitely easy to use while watching TV. Below is a video of what it looks like to use a NuFACE microcurrent device. The girl in the video is using a Mini+. (It is going to do the same thing as the Trinity+ as far as microcurrent, but does not have the “boost” feature to turn up the current just a bit more or the ability to detach the contour head to utilize different treatment heads.) The Mini+ is going to be your NuFACE device of choice if you only want to contour and lift and don’t care about the other treatment heads.
As I said earlier, a microcurrent sensation can be felt when the device is turned up. This is why it should be used with a microcurrent activator. The face also must have something on it for the device to properly glide. An activator is applied to the face to hydrate so that device glides smoothly and ensures you feel nothing but a relaxing facial. The Aqua Gel (your first bottle comes with the device and the nicest little brush to apply it with!) is similar to ultrasound gel, but made with good-for-your-skin hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid. The Supercharged Ionic Facial Mist is helpful to keep the face hydrated if you’re doing a longer facial. You can leave the activators on or wash them off after your facial treatment. I usually wipe them off and continue to the rest of my skincare routine!
*You can also use a silk creme activator if you prefer or add a booster to your routine.

I am now 33 days into my NuFACE Trinity+ journey. I definitely see a huge difference in my skin– both instantly and over the last month. My skin is so smooth and tight and never looks dull or dry anymore. I haven’t had any hormonal zits in the past 2 weeks, a result I wasn’t expecting, but am so pleased with. My skin looks hydrated, plump, and so glowy in unfiltered photos. My jawline and cheek bones are more defined and I even have “cheek dents.” My neck, which wasn’t ever really bad– at least yet (lol), seems smoother and tighter. The lymphatic drainage that used to accumulate under my jaw is never an issue anymore because I am working and training that area daily. (The drainage from your sinuses accumulates just under your jaw and can be “pushed” out.) If you’ve ever used a guasha, I would compare it to the concept and purpose of using a guasha stone, but 100x more effective because of the microcurrent.
I am so so pleased with the results and can’t wait to hit the 60-day mark– when results are supposed to be most visible. I will say I use it at least once per day– sometimes 2– if I have extra time in the morning. I honestly just love using it because it’s fun to use AND effective. I look forward to my morning & nightly facials and the glow I achieve from them. I understand now how there are people out there who say they have been using their NuFACE for years.

Because of the instant results I achieved with the Trinity+ and the fact I wanted to work on my undereye area, I purchased the NuFACE Fix while it was still on sale (Anniversary Sale is over, but somehow still on sale at Nordstrom for $99 here). I’ve been using it for about 2 weeks and somehow, I love it even more than the Trinity+ because of how bright it makes my undereye area (dark circles/undereye creases) that I’ve always hated! It’s also great for precision targeting of my expression lines– for me, it’s the ones on my forehead!
So to be 100% honest, it is SO fun to use and effective! It’s also tiny tiny and therefore, easy to take with you when you travel. The Fix serum comes in a tube with this amazing applicator so you don’t have to put it on your fingers/hands. A tube is included with the Fix! I love love love my Fix and use it every single morning (and at night sometimes too)! See the video below for how it works and what my daily routine with the Fix looks like!

Let’s Recap.
Ok, so that was a lot. If you’ve made it this far, you’re obviously as interested and nerdy about skincare as me or ready to dive into the wonderful world of microcurrent facials. So, let’s recap on the products we talked about today.
1. The NuFACE Trinity+: The contour and lift microcurrent facial device I use daily, mimics a professional treatment. It has the ability to change the heads including: the original contour head it comes with, lip & eye treatment head, and red light head for wrinkles (I personally would not use the red light head for my Trinity+, as I feel a full size mask is way more beneficial, but I do have the lip & eye attachment and it’s great for brow lifts).
2. The NuFACE Mini+: The smaller (and less expensive) version of the microcurrent facial device. Lifts & contours only, does not have the ability to change out heads, a little less output microamps than the Trinity+.
3. The NuFACE Fix: The tiniest, precision microcurrent device made specifically for undereye, lips, around mouth, and targeting of fine lines. The Fix Serum is utilized with these treatments. (FYI: NSale is over, but this device is somehow still on sale at Nordstrom for $99 here.)
4. Microcurrent Activators: Remember, the face must have something hydrating on it for the microcurrent device to properly glide. An activator is applied to the face to hydrate so that device glides smoothly and ensures you do not feel the current and only experience a relaxing facial.
- The Aqua Gel (your first bottle comes with the Trinity+ & Mini+ devices and the nicest little brush to apply it with!) is similar to ultrasound gel, but made with good-for-your-skin hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid.
- The Supercharged Ionic Facial Mist is helpful to keep the face hydrated if you’re doing a longer facial. It can also be used outside of your microcurrent facials for a quick refresh/glow.
- Another option is the silk creme activator for firming and more of a cream/lotion feel if you don’t like the gel.
- There are also boosters you can apply to “boost” your microcurrent facial. You apply them and let them soak in before your microcurrent treatment. I received a free bottle of the antioxidant serum with my last purchase from NuFACE and love it. I would also like to try their vita-C and peptide boosters!
I purchased my microcurrent devices from Nordstrom during the NSale, but got my extra serums and accessories directly from the NuFACE website after the NSale was over. If you sign up to be on the NuFACE e-mail list, you will receive a coupon via e-mail for 20% off your first purchase! If you’re thinking about purchasing a NuFACE device, you will definitely want to do this! If you spend enough, you’ll get a free booster!
I hope that this [long & detailed] post helped you understand microcurrent treatments a little more! I do not regret any of my NuFACE purchases and can’t wait to hear about your journey with microcurrent if you decide to join me! 😉
Get ready to be uplifted! ♡
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