• P A U S E • Let’s all just take a second to take a deep breath & say, “It’s OK that [insert your worry here].” We tend to make our social media pages our “highlight reel”— no messes, no problems— just perfect make-up, outfits, and hair. We’re guilty for sure, but life is not all of those things other than maybe 5% of the time... or 10 minutes here and there. What you see above, though... this is real life. Laundry overflowing, mismatched outfits, unwashed ... VIEW POST
Let’s Get Real
Positive Vibes(+)
In science, there is always a positive for every negative. I believe that in most situations there is a positive outcome that can come from a negative, even if we don't know what they are. For example: Slept in an extra hour and now your late for work? Maybe you were being protected from something. Didn't get that job you interviewed for? Maybe it would cause you too much stress. Relationship didn't work out? They probably weren't meant for you. Now, I am just your average girl, co-writing a ... VIEW POST